Making "Enter" Work for Multiple Fields

Forms with a single text field will autosubmit when you press enter. Here's how you can make this convenient feature work for multiple fields. (Use tabs to move between fields.)




This is not, in fact, a single form. Three forms work together to mimic a form which submits on "Enter". These forms use the merge function to combine distributed data into a single submission.
// Pluses must be placed only between valid entries
function merge(s1, s2)
    if ((s1.length > 0) && (s2.length > 0)) return(s1+'+'+s2)

// Handle "submission"
function doEnter()
    var t1 = code('f1', document.forms[0].F1.value)
    var t2 = code('f2', document.forms[1].F1.value)
    var t3 = code('f3', document.forms[2].F1.value)
    var tmp = merge(t1, t2)
    tmp = merge(tmp, t3)

    //replace this with a real call to a new location.HREF
In early versions of Navigator 2.0 and 3.0, the fields sometimes "chase" each other creating a nifty strobe effect. Simply reload and this problem will stop.
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